When I was young, I had fifteen fingers...

Yes. I had three hands.
One. Two.

Portion of a piece in development for the Lost and Found Evening of Small Acts.


Another portion of the Lost and Found piece.

Red Umbrella

There are many ways to lose oneself.

When I was young, I had fifteen fingers...

And another part of the piece...Do you ever wonder what would happen if your hands wandered away from you? This giant hand goes wandering at night, and finds a series of dreamlike conversations which it collects and carries home again.

Big Head

Final project for our puppetry class. We marched it around town with a boombox projecting extravagantly solemn Corsican chants, then silently set it up in the cherry tree and left it there. Hours later, at the scheduled performance, there were Toy Theaters in each of the eyes, and between the teeth in the mouth. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of the Toy Theaters.

We left it in the tree overnight. Periodically I'd sneak back to it and blink the eyes at passersby. One laughing group freaked out, found me, and demanded to know how it was done. (I taught them of course, and encouraged them to blink as often as they wanted.) When I checked back later, someone else had discovered the mechanism, and was playing.